Aug 15, 2010

Week , September 27-October 1st

Unit 1:  Names and Occupations

September 27th, 2010

Activity 1: the students will make a list
                    of the occupations that they
                    already know                                

Activity 2: They will compare their own
                 list with other lists

September 28th, 2010

Activity 1: Students will practice exercise 1. The teacher needs to model the activity
                 and the rhythm too. (page 1)
Activity 2: Students will work in pairs to introduce themselves and then they will   
                 change his/her partner. (page 1)
Activity 3: They will have a conversation using the expression to say Hi. (page 1)
Activity 4: The teacher will model exercise 2 part A and B to the students
Activity 5: They will choose a partner and change personal information and say Hi.   
                (page 2).

Homework: Study part C (page 2) Look for more Greetings to practice next class

September 29th, 2010

Activity 1: The teacher will check Hws and we will compare and share information
Activity 2: The students will repeat the conversation on page 2
Activity 3: The teacher will model the exercise 3 (expressions to say good-bye and the
                 rhythm-intonation of the expressions
Activity 4: Students pass in front  of the class and have a conversation. They we have 
                 to use expressions to say hi and good-bye, greetings, etc. (page 3)  

Homework: Students will check the vocabulary part (exercise 1, page 4). they can use
                   a dictionary if is neccesary.

September 30th, 2010

Activity 1: They´re going to listen and practice part A (page 4) and answer part B
Activity 2: Students will check grammar and the teacher will answer their questions
Activity 3: Students will write positive and negative statements using the pictures on
                 page 4
Activity 4: We will play Bingo using the Copy and Go book (Activity 2, do they match?)
                 from page 5.

Homework: the students will answer part D and E from page 5 from the students

October 1st, 2010

Project: The students will have a conversation in groups of three practing the expressions to say hello, greetings, good-bye with their own names and real information

No Homework !!!
 HAVE A NICE WEEKEND... See on Monday


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